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Commit 4b2da353 authored by Bart De Vries's avatar Bart De Vries
Browse files

Enable multi-selection and context menus on all lists of entries

This commit adds keyboard navigation to entry lists.
Selection of items can be done through keyboard (shift+up/down), mouse
(left, left+shift, left+ctrl) or touch (long press).
When items are selected, contextual actions will show up on
the page (useful for touch screens), or, alternatively, a context menu
with the same actions can be opened through right mouse click (useful
for desktop).
If a single entry is selected, then only the relevant actions will be
shown (e.g. only "Mark as Played" if the entry has not been played yet).

Additionally, (database) transactions for the actions have been
optimized.  This was necessary to make sure that actions on large
selections of entries finish within an acceptable time.  E.g. actions on
a list of 1000 items should finish within a few seconds (on all but
underpowered hardware).

BUG: 441764
parent 6121f662
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