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Commit 85349689 authored by Martin Tobias Holmedahl Sandsmark's avatar Martin Tobias Holmedahl Sandsmark
Browse files

Handle multiple gzip streams

If kgzipfilter notices that zlib didn't read all the data, it tries to
re-init the stream and read the rest of the buffer. This is tested by
the unit test from Sune. The case where there's more than two streams
available in the current buffer is tested in a unit test added

If the split between the streams falls right between two buffers, we
need KCompressionDevice to notice that there's data left and try to
continue decompressing. This is easy to test by setting BUFFER_SIZE to
the size of the first stream in the unit test data (28 bytes).

REVIEW: 128369
BUG: 232843
parent b7d8fce0
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