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Commit 127d389f authored by Michal Malek's avatar Michal Malek
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Moved K3bSetup functionality to K3b's config dialog

K3bSetup never really belonged to SystemSettings. When user wanted
to change device or programs permissions he'd needed to switch to
SystemSettings which was not obvious. Hence this settings were moved
to K3b settings window. Program permissions can now be changed in a new
"Permissions" tab on "Programs" section.
Modification of devices permissions has been removed altogether. In
all (?) modern systems optical devices belongs to a certain user group
(e.g. "cdrom"). If the current user does not belongs to this group,
he's offered to add himself to it in "Devices" section of K3b settings

FEATURE: 220040
FIXED-IN: 2.1.0
GUI: K3bSetup no longer exists
parent 454c0ac3
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