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Commit 4068592a authored by Alex Merry's avatar Alex Merry
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Remove custom build types

KDECompilerSettings.cmake no longer alters CMake's built-in build types
or adds its own.  The "debug" build type therefore simply sets -g with
no additional flags (rather than -O2 and, depending on the compiler,
some no-inline/no-reorder flags as previously), the "release" build
types no longer set -DQT_NO_DEBUG and the "debugfull", "profile" and
"coverage" build types no longer exist.

QT_NO_DEBUG is set by Qt's CMake scripts depending on the build type of
Qt itself.  "debugfull" mostly set -g3, allowing macro expansion when
debugging; users can set this flag using environment variables if they
wish.  "RelWithDebugInfo" should be used instead of "profile" (according
to dfaure); -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage are easy enough to add to
$CXX_FLAGS if they are required (formerly set by "profile" and

You should now use
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
instead of
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull


REVIEW: 114885
parent f653fe36
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