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Commit b1f9c2e5 authored by Akseli Lahtinen's avatar Akseli Lahtinen
Browse files

Do not reset expandability when loading previews

Fixes a weird bug with the treeview if one has
in their `dolphinrc`. It can be any PreviewSettings plugin, as long as there it at least one.

Check the bug report for more, but in short, the bug is reproducible like this:

create folder tree inside a test folder with 

mkdir -p 1/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I
mkdir -p 2/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I
mkdir -p 3/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I

make sure you see the test folder, and expand it

expand folder 1, no need to expand all sub folders
expand folder 2
collapse and expand test folder
3 loses its expansion arrow

if all folders are expanded, only 3 keeps its order

if 1 and all its subfolders are expanded, then test is toggled,
folder 2 also loses its expansion arrow

Video of the bug:


The path to the bug is: `KFileItemModelRolesUpdater::slotPreviewFailed` -> `KFileItemModelRolesUpdater::applyResolvedRoles` -> `KFileItemModelRolesUpdater::rolesData` -> `KFileItemModelRolesUpdater::startDirectorySizeCounting`. 

This causes Dolphin with preview plugins enabled trying to count the directories again, and the data gets reset even if there is something there. This then resets the `isExpandable` flag and that breaks the treeview, causing all kinds of issues, like being able to expand non-directories and makes things out of sync.

parent 30691235
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