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Verified Commit 5a1bf5b1 authored by Felipe Kinoshita's avatar Felipe Kinoshita
Browse files

Move home button to the left of the sidebar

There's this pattern that is commonly used among most kirigami-based
applications: [searchField, hamburger menu] or [searchField, button]
but there's one (maybe more?) exception to this rule, System Settings,
which uses both a hamburger menu and a button in it's sidebar header
alongside the searchField.

In a recent change done to System Settings the hamburger menu and the
home button position were swapped ([menu, searchField, button] to
[button, searchField, button]) as most kirigami-based applications
tend to put the hamburger menu to the right on their sidebars.

This commit moves the home button to the left so it's consistent with
this pattern.

See: systemsettings!82
parent e5b5ab0c
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