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Commit 8b2e921a authored by Marcel Wiesweg's avatar Marcel Wiesweg
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Provide methods to remove an alpha channel from an image. Remove alpha channel...

Provide methods to remove an alpha channel from an image. Remove alpha channel before saving to JPEG.

- hasTransparentPixels checks if, given there is an alpha channel,
  some pixels actually is transparent (alpha < 1.0)
- bitBlendImageOnColor allows to compose an image over a constant color
  This is equivalent to create a DImg, fill it with a color,
  blend the first image over the new one, and replace the first image with the result.
- removeAlphaChannel blends the image on a color, usually, white, and removes the alpha channel
- in updateMetadata:
  ensure that the previous embedded preview is always removed
  only add a new check that a preview is only added if the original image is significantly
  larger than the intended preview size
  To be discussed and currently unchanged: handling of transparent pixels

CCBUG: 286127
parent a22258eb
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