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Commit 89b23a99 authored by Dmitry Kazakov's avatar Dmitry Kazakov
Browse files

Fix filling shapes bug

Now tools add the stroke/filling styles to the resources snapshot
and it setups the painter in right way.

I removed all the KisTool.*::setupPainter() methods. They are not
used from now on.

I also tried to remove KisTool.*::setupPaintAction(), because the
actions should be merged in a single class (based on
KisRecorderPathPaintAction) which would handle the following operations:

paintPolygon (-)
paintRect (-)
paintEllipse (-)
paintPainterPath (-)

The methods marked with (-) are currently absent in
KisRecorderPathPaintAction, so when they are implemented we can remove
setupPaintAction() functions and use KisRecorderAdepter as we already do
in KisToolFreehand.

parent 594a48b9
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