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Commit 053d0d35 authored by Wolthera van Hövell's avatar Wolthera van Hövell
Browse files

Fix Loading assistants.

Caused by assistant files being automatically named, but the paths that
point to them not.
This would cause crashes when clicking assistants.
This does not work backwardly.

To fix:
1. Open .kra as zip.
2. Open maindoc.xml in notepad or other simple text editor.
3. Find the assistant element.
4. Replace all underscores with spaces in attribute filename:
<assistant type="vanishing point"
<assistant type="vanishing point" filename="vanishing
5. save, confirm saving in zip.
6. Open and enjoy.

My sincere apologies this happened, I did not expect there to be two
different methods for the same string.
todo: Actually use same kind of method.
parent 9a98b28d
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