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Commit 52ada1c8 authored by Raphael Kubo da Costa's avatar Raphael Kubo da Costa
Browse files

Add missing add_definition() calls.

For some unknown reason, while the svn to git conversion work was going
on in branches/work/kdeutils-build-standalone, the lines adding
${QT_DEFINITIONS} and ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS} to the definitions passed to
the compiler end up not being included in each application's

This was not a problem during the 4.7 series, as Dirk still packaged
kdeutils as a single tarball, and the top-level CMakeLists.txt used did
include these lines.

The issue came to attention during the 4.8 beta/RC phase, when 32-bit
Linux users had problems creating tarballs with Ark: libarchive is
usually built in those systems with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64. This is set
in KDE4_DEFINITIONS, which was not being used to build Ark. struct stat
then had different sizes for Ark and libarchive, which caused all sorts
of trouble.

Packagers might want to look at this commit and the equivalent ones to
the other affected kdeutils applications (filelight, kcalc, kcharselect,
kdf, kfloppy, kgpg, kremotecontrol, ktimer, kwallet, superkaramba and
sweeper) and apply them to their 4.8-RC packages.

Sorry for the mess!

CCBUG: 289307
FIXED-IN: 4.8.0
(cherry picked from commit 5149649d)
parent 7b0f82bc
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